Are you ready for a cyber attack?


We always endeavour to provide the highest levels of service, and to lighten your load when it comes to all things IT. Our promise to you is that we will always be fair and reasonable, and that we will do our best to provide you with everything we’ve agreed.

We understand that there may be times where you feel that we have not met the standards that we expect of ourselves. We have set out below how we will resolve any concerns you might have regarding our services.



What we will do

No matter how you communicate with us, we’ll listen and endeavour to act on your needs. Once you’ve contacted us, we’ll acknowledge receipt of your complaint and do our best to resolve it immediately and, wherever possible, within five working days. We may need to ask you for more information to assist with our investigation. If we do so, we ask that you get back to us as soon as possible.

In the unlikely event that your complaint has not been resolved within five working days, we will keep you regularly updated with our progress investigating and resolving the complaint after that time.

Within eight weeks of our receipt of your complaint, we will either issue you with a final response detailing the outcome of our investigation and any actions that we will take in response to your complaint, or a letter confirming when we anticipate to have concluded our investigation (including reasons for the extended investigation period).


What we’re unable to do

If your complaint is to do with third party hardware, software or services that you have purchased through us, we may not be able to resolve your complaint directly. However, if that is the case, we will do our best to put you in touch with the manufacturer, vendor, distributor or primary service provider directly, and support you with your conversation with them to try and resolve the matter.


When and how to complain

Letting us know when and why you are not happy gives us the opportunity to put matters right for you in a transparent way and improve our service for you now, and in the future.

Please contact us promptly if you believe that you have not received the level of service promised to you, or if there are any concerns about any aspect of our relationship. We believe that it’s better to deal with issues as soon as they arise.

If you complain more than twelve months after the situation giving rise to the complaint arises, we may not be able to investigate properly. But we will always consider whether you had good reason for not making the complaint sooner and whether, despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

When contacting us, please provide as much information as possible in relation to your concerns, including technical details where relevant. The more information you can provide to us at the outset, the sooner we will be able to conclude our investigation and report back to you.


How to complain to us

If you wish to send us a complaint, please use the address below or send us an email to

Techcare Limited
Unit 119 Anglesey Court
Towers Business Park
WS15 1UL

Whichever way you choose, in order to help us resolve your complaint, we’ll need a full description of your concern, what you’d like us to do to put things right, and a daytime phone number and the best time to contact you.


If you’re still not happy

If for any reason you’re not happy with our response, please let the person that handled your complaint know.

We will immediately escalate your complaint to the Managing Director for further investigation. Once we’re satisfied we’ve considered all aspects of your complaint, we will send you our final response.