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Techcare provides a smooth office transition for Lugo Group Europe

Case Studies

Emily Keeling - Marketing Manager

Emily Keeling

Posted Apr 23, 2024

The Problem

Lugo Group Europe comprises a group of three companies, all of which supply high-quality interior design products and refurbishments. Due to the nature of their work, they’re hugely dependent on fast and fully functioning IT systems. A looming office move meant potential disruption to operations, system downtime and the need to procure and install new equipment.

A smooth transition of IT services and networking to minimise operational downtime was crucial.

Lugo Group Europe were relocating from Lichfield to Walsall and wanted to ensure a smooth transition of IT equipment and services into their new premises. Techcare were called in to oversee the project from an IT standpoint. In addition to moving existing systems, the new premises needed to be fully cabled, new pieces of hardware and a new server procured and installed.

Along with ensuring systems were operational, equipment moved and the new IT infrastructure established, the client’s business operations needed to function as normal, uninterrupted by the move.


The Solution

Techcare’s Managing Director Karl Frankham visited the client’s existing office before the move. A comprehensive brief of the work that needed to be done to facilitate the transition was taken. Techcare then audited Lugo Group Europe’s systems and hardware before accompanying their staff on a site visit to the new Headquarters. Once there, Techcare surveyed the building and subsequently, created a plan and timeline for equipment installation.

Techcare were able to propose a solution that would enable the speedy transition the client needed and a detailed quotation that addressed all areas of the brief.


The Outcome

The project was done promptly and completed efficiently with all of the business’s employees able to work normally just 24 hours after the move. The smooth transition into new premises ensured minimal disruption to company output and Client relationships, allowing its designers to carry on doing what they do best in spite of their big move.

Lugo Group Europe now has an agreement in place with Techcare to maintain all of their equipment, with any problems being solved swiftly within 4 hours of arising.

The end result

  • New equipment procured and installed
  • Minimal disruption to business
  • Smooth transition into new premises

The client’s Group Managing Director, said: “Our IT project was handled from conception to completion in a personable, friendly, and efficient manner which minimised any potential disruption to our core business activities during what was a big move at a busy time for our group.

The change-over was as smooth as it could have been and Techcare’s technicians, namely Lewis Lydiard, felt like an extension of our own team and continue to do so post-installation.

Karl Frankham, Techcare Managing Director, said: “Moving premises can be a stressful and potentially damaging time for businesses due to the problems that can arise from disruption to IT services.

“Lugo Group Europe understood this and got in touch with us to ensure that their transition went as smoothly as possible. We took care of the cabling for their new Head Office and identified new hardware for them to use, along with the procurement of a new server. After this, we installed all of their new equipment.

“We were delighted to be able to help Lugo Group Europe with this project and are proud of the fact that we enabled their employees to return to work the day after installation. It was a pleasure working with them and the project saw the birth of a great partnership that continues to this day.”